Rockdale Judicial Circuit

Superior and State Courts

Rockdale County Clerk of Superior & State Courts

Approachable, Accessible, and Accountable.

Janice Morris, CSC

Clerk of Superior and State Courts

WELCOME to the website of the Rockdale County Clerk for the Superior and State Courts, where we are approachable, accessible, and accountable.

Our website is provided for the benefit of the citizens of Rockdale and others that conduct business in our Courts.

Rockdale County Clerk of Superior & State Courts

Approachable, Accessible and Accountable.

Janice Morris, CSC

Clerk of Superior and State Courts

WELCOME to the website of the Rockdale County Clerk for the Superior and State Courts, where we are approachable, accessible, and accountable.

Our website is provided for the benefit of the citizens of Rockdale and others that conduct business in our Courts.

This message is for jurors scheduled to report for jury duty on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Please check this website after 5:30 PM on the Friday before your scheduled jury date to confirm if your attendance is needed. Please remember to complete your juror questionnaire online here to avoid long lines on Monday morning.

Only handicapped parking is available at the Courthouse. All other Jurors are encouraged to park in the City Parking Lot. You can access the parking lot from Main Street across from the Randy Mills Pavilion or from Bank Street behind the Water Resource Center. Please view the map on the back of your summons for more details.

We wish to thank you for being available to serve as a juror.


E-Filing available for Superior and State Court Cases! File your case electronically by clicking below.

Jury & Judge Information

This message is for jurors scheduled to report for jury duty on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Please check this website after 5:30 PM on the Friday before your scheduled jury date to confirm if your attendance is needed. Please remember to complete your juror questionnaire online here to avoid long lines on Monday morning.

Pay Traffic Citations

Pay fines and fees. Note: You must pay the total balance for all fines and fees owed.  No partial payments accepted.

Land Records

The Real Estate Office is responsible for receiving, recording, processing, indexing, and maintaining a copy of all documents related to real estate within Rockdale County.


Important information needed to apply for a U.S. Passport in the Rockdale County Clerk’s Office.

Available Online Forms

Some forms are available to be downloaded from our website.

Good Through Date

Our Digitally Imaged Real Estate Records “Good through Date” changes on a regular basis. Due to a time delay in reporting, the State date may be different from our in-office date.

Our Current Good through Date is:
2/11/2025 as of February 12, 2025.

We are committed to providing timely, courteous and accurate service and ease of accessibility to public records through continuous improvement and technological advancements

It is our desire to be easy to do business with by offering the option for you to take care of your court business on-line any time of day, any day of the week.

We pride ourselves on providing all of our customers with exceptional service and we welcome your opinions and feedback as we aspire to carry out our commitment to excellence. If we may be of service to you, please let us know

Fee Schedule and Forms of Payment

Payments accepted Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Forms of payment:

  • Cash
  • Money Order
  • Attorney / Business Checks




We will keep you up to date with latest information.



922 Court Street
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing Address -
Superior Court Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 937
Conyers, GA 30012

Phone: (770) 278-7900
Fax: (770) 278-7921
Jury Phone: (770) 278-7902

Mailing Address -
State Court Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 938
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing Address -
Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 210
Conyers, GA 30012