Passport Overview

The Clerk of the Superior Court is the local authorized United States passport acceptance agency for Rockdale County. The Clerk’s Office renders this service as a public service, but is not required by law to do so. A U.S. passport may be issued to a citizen or national of the United States. This office does not process passport photo services.
The Clerk of Superior Court accepts applications for U.S. Passports Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Which application should I use?
( tan form) is used for new applicants, children renewals, any adult who has only had a 5 year passport, and adults with a 10 year passport that has been expired over 5 years.
DS-82 (blue form) is used for adults renewing who have a 10 year passport and it has not been expired over 5 years. You will be mailing your signed application, new photo, previous passport book and $130.00 routine or $190.00 expedited in check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. If your name changed, you also mail in the proof, such as a marriage certificate or certified court order. The mailing address is located on page 3 of the application.

Passport Office Hours:
The Clerk of Superior Court is currently accepting applications for U.S. Passports. The hours of operation are  Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Passport Office locations:
Superior Civil Office – Room 200

TELEPHONE: 770-278-7918


  • Passport application completely filled out (must be completed in black ink) with the exception of your signature.
  • One 2 x 2 official color passport photograph with a light or white background. You can get these at various retail stores (Walgreen’s, Fed EX, Staples, CVS, etc.).
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate or Naturalization Papers (proof of U.S. Citizenship). For those born in Georgia, a certified birth certificate may be obtained in the Probate Court located at 874 N. Main St. (Across from the Court House.)
  • Both parents or child’s legal guardian(s) must be present for children UNDER AGE 16. If the second parent is not available to sign, (click here to download form)
  • Valid picture I.D. card:
    • Previous U.S. passport book or U.S. passport card
    • Certificate of Naturalization with identifiable photo attached
    • Certificate of Citizenship with identifiable photo attached
    • Valid driver’s license (not temporary or learner’s permit)
    • Official U.S. military or military dependent identification card
    • Government employee identification card (federal, state, county, municipal)
    • Current foreign passport
    • FAA pilot’s license

FEES FOR ROUTINE PASSPORT APPLICATIONS (approximately 7-9 weeks to receive): (NOTE: the $35 processing fee for cash payments, requires exact change, ALL FEES ARE SEPARATE)

U.S. Passport Book:

Adults (16 and over): $130.00 Check or Money Order to U.S. Department of State
Children (15 and under): $100.00 Check or Money Order to U.S. Department of State
$35.00 Cash, Credit Card or Money Order processing fee/per applicant payable to Clerk of Superior Court

U.S. Passport Card:

Adults (16 and over): $30.00 Check or Money Order to U.S. Department of State
Children (15 and under): $15.00 Check or Money Order to U.S. Department of State
$35.00 Cash, Credit Card or Money Order processing fee/per applicant payable to Clerk of Superior Court

FEES FOR EXPEDITE PASSPORT APPLICATIONS (approximately 5-7 weeks to receive):

Expedited U.S. Passports

Adults (16 and over):

$35.00 Cash, Credit Card or Money Order to Clerk of Superior Court
$211.36 Check or Money Order to U.S. Department of State (includes $21.36 for return Express Mail – optional)

Children (15 and under):

$35.00 Cash, Credit Card or Money Order to Clerk of Superior Court
$181.36 Check or Money Order to U. S. Department of State (includes $21.36 for return Express Mail – optional)

What is required when applying for a passport book or a passport card?

When applying for either a passport book or passport card, bring with you the following:

1. Passport application completely filled out (Black Ink Only)

2. One 2×2 official passport photograph (made within the last 6 months).

3. Certified copy of the birth certificate (from Vital Records Dept.) or Naturalization papers (proof of U.S. Citizenship). Photocopies are not accepted. The original document must be submitted with your application, but will be returned to you after issuance of your passport. Visit for information on obtaining a U.S. birth certificate.

4. Acceptable picture identification card or Georgia driver’s license with picture (or parents’ picture identification when applicant is a minor). Below is a list of acceptable picture identification.

  • Previous U.S. passport book or U.S. passport card
  • Certificate of Naturalization with identifiable photo attached
  • Certificate of Citizenship with identifiable photo attached
  • Valid driver’s license (not temporary or learner’s permit)
  • Official U.S. military or military dependent identification card
  • Government employee identification card (federal, state, county, municipal)
  • Current foreign passport
  • FAA pilot’s license

5. The following information if you are completing your application in our office:

  • Applicant’s social security number
  • Applicant’s place of birth
  • Applicant’s date of birth
  • Applicant’s height
  • Applicant’s date of marriage (if applicable)
  • Applicant’s date of divorce or widow(er)hood (if applicable)
  • Applicant’s parents’ name -Applicant’s parents’ birthplaces
  • Applicant’s parents’ birth dates (including year)
  • Applicant’s spouse’s (or former spouse’s) birth date (including year)
  • Applicant’s spouse’s (or former spouse’s) birthplace
  • Applicant’s emergency contact information (someone not traveling with you) – name, physical address, phone numbers and e-mail address

6. The fees for the passport book or the fees for the passport card.

Passport book fees
Check or money order payable to: U.S. Department of the State in the amount of
$110 – 16 years or older
$80 – under 16 years old of age


Cash or money order payable to: Clerk of Courts in the amount of
$35 – regardless of applicant’s age
Passports may be expedited for an additional fee of $60 per passport, plus Express mail postage.

Passport card fees
Check or money order payable to: U.S. Dept. of State in the amount of:
$30.00 – 16 years or older
$15.00 – under 16 years of age


Cash or money order payable to:
Clerk of Superior Court in the amount of:
$35.00 – regardless of applicant’s age

What is the process once I bring my application in the Clerk’s Office?
The Rockdale County Clerk’s Office will mail your application, pictures, original proof of U.S. citizenship and the appropriate fees to a U.S. Passport receiving office. Your passport will be processed through a U.S. passport issuing office located in the United States. Once your passport is issued, the U.S. Passport issuing office will mail your passport directly to the address you list as your mailing address on the application and your original proof of U.S. citizenship will be mailed back separately.

How Long will the processing of my application take?
The processing time to execute your application in the Clerk’s Office normally takes just a few minutes.
When you apply, the assisting deputy clerk can tell you the latest update that has been received by our office or you may visit the U.S. Department of State’s passport page for the most current processing time.

I Want to Check on the Progress of my Application. How can I do That?
Once the passport application is sent to the U.S. Passport receiving office, the Clerk of Superior Court is no longer involved with the processing of your passport and therefore is unable to know the progress of your application. You may call The National Passport Information Center (NPIC) at 1-877-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778) TDD/TTY 1-888-874-7793 or at the U.S. Department of State’s passport page.

What if I Have a Previous Passport and I Just Need to Renew it?
As long as your previous passport was issued within the last 15 years, you were at least 16 years of age when it was issued, and you can submit your previous passport, you can renew your passport by mail. Renewal applications are available in the Rockdale County Clerk of Superior Court’s office or you may visit the U.S. Department of State’s passport page If you don’t meet ALL of these requirements, you must use the first-time applicant procedures.

Will my Previously-Issued Passport be Returned to me?
Yes. Your previously-issued passport will be stamped “canceled” and returned to you along with your new passport and all supporting documentation by priority mail.

I’ve Lost my Passport and I Need Another one.
You will need to apply as if it were your first time AND if your lost passport was still valid, you will also need to fill out and submit Passport Form DS-64.

My Child Needs a Passport. Do I Need to Bring my Child When I Submit the Application?
Every applicant, regardless of their age, must appear in person.

I Have a Newborn. Does he/she Need to Have his/her own Passport?
Each citizen has to have their own passport.

My Newborn does not have a Social Security Number. What do I put in the Blanks?
26 U.S.C. 6039E (Internal Revenue Code) requires a passport applicant to provide his/her name and social security number. If your child has not been issued a social security number, you should enter zeros for the social security number.

What if Both Parents of a Minor Under the age of 16 are not able to Appear When Applying for Child’s Passport?
The parent submitting the child’s passport application must also submit one of the following documents:

  • A Statement of Exigent/Special Family Circumstances (Passport Form DS-5525) completed, signed and dated by the applying parent or
  • A certified court order stating the applying parent has the sole legal custody of the child or
  • A statement of Consent (Passport Form DS-3053) completed, signed and notarized from the absent parent along with a copy of the front and back of the I.D. presented to the Notary or
  • A certified Death Certificate for the absent parent.

The Passport Application has Questions on it that I Don’t Know the Answer to. What do I do?
Any question left unanswered may cause the application processing to be delayed; however, you shouldn’t “guess” at the answer. If for instance, you know your father was born on July 19, but are unsure of the year, you should go ahead and insert what information you do know (July 19, ????).

How can I find out if there are special regulations or requirements that I must follow when visiting other countries?
To find out about any current warnings, restrictions, regulations or requirements with regards to your travel, you may visit

Is a Passport Necessary for Travel to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda?
Effective June 8, 2007, the U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security made adjustments to passport requirements for air travel between the U.S. and these locations. Effective no later than June 1, 2009, passports will be required for all land border crossings in addition to air and sea travel. How Long is a Passport Valid? If your passport is issued when you are 16 years of age or older, your passport is valid for 10 years. If your passport is issued when you are 15 years of age or younger, your passport is valid for 5 years.

What if I Have an Emergency Need for a Passport?
Should you have a travel emergency, you should contact the National Passport Center to speak with a Customer Service Representative. The number is 1-888-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778) or TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793. Customer Service Representatives and Operators for TDD/TTY are available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to midnight, Eastern Time, excluding federal holidays.

What is a Passport Card?
This new card is equivalent to a passport book but is smaller and less expensive. The passport card is issued by the same standards and has the same validity period as the regular passport. IMPORTANT: The passport card is only for traveling by land or seas between the United States, Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. For a complete explanation of the new passport card, visit here.

How Can I Obtain Specific Travel Requirements for Where I’m Going?
Travel information including requirements and warnings are subject to change; therefore, it is important to get up-to-date information. Visit the U.S. Department of State’s alerts and warnings page for the latest information.


922 Court Street
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing Address -
Superior Court Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 937
Conyers, GA 30012

Phone: (770) 278-7900
Fax: (770) 278-7921
Jury Phone: (770) 278-7902

Mailing Address -
State Court Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 938
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing Address -
Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 210
Conyers, GA 30012